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Youth leadership in India - Need , Importance and Steps to Become Indian Leader

Youth leadership in India is needed for bringing revolution in Indian economy, management, Industry, society and politics. Once youth leadership will set up, it may possible that all slow work will become fast. Youth leadership will also provide new way of achievement from useful idea. But presented problem is that no one wants to give change to youth for becoming leader.

They think youths can take wrong action in their zeal which may harmful for development of India. 62 years record of Indian politics shows that all old after 50 except Rajiv Gandhi become prime minister of India. Is India thinks that Old is gold and youth is zero.

I think this is wrong; Indian Youth is still Hero after Swami Vivekananda, one of great India who guided India through his spiritual thoughts up to the age of 39. Except of Politics, Indian youth leadership can be seen every where.

In politics, many youths do not want to go because of its corruption and other day to day Indian political scams. If any youth wants to go, it may possible that he has not obtained opportunity to enter in it. Whatever happens in past, now in present time, it is required that youth in India should take part in political leadership.

We are seeing many problems of our economy like poverty, unemployment, changing of environment climate and inflation which were started 50 years ago in the time of Nehru and still are in India in the time of Manmohan . Why? Answer is so clear that politics was not in the hand of youth. I saw the movie of Kayak in which Anil Kapoor was taking the interview from old political leader and chief minister of Maharashtra. He asked from CM that Indian youths voted the old political leaders in the hope that they will solve the problems of India but they disappointed from them. Why? The reply of Old CM was that he is providing dish antenna, telephone booths and internet facility. Today, everybody wears the shoes and people’s standard of level has increased. But Anil Kapoor said that no one Indian laborer is not wondering in car. Richer is becoming rich and poor is becoming poor.

Main aim of Giving this movie’s scenes as example is to tell Indian youth that if they just standing without any movement or not to take leadership like one day CM, it is not possible to solve the problems and bundle of problems of India. Today, in India, everything is becoming costly. Few days ago, 4 Crores Sugar was found from black marketer’s godown and like these black marketing, political leaders are also earning. Youths can take action against them. But lack of unity, they can not do any thing. Youth leadership can bring unity in India. After this, India currency’s one rupees will soon one dollar. For this India youth has to change himself. They should boost like USA youths. They should respect the work. They should do hard work. After this, what they receive that is wages. Respect wages. USA youth respects laborer work but India youth thinks it as lower level work. Without doing labor work Indian Youth can not become good leader. A single USA youth is leader from birth. Why? Because they study with their own money. They work in hotel as worker and cook. After this they receive, use them for getting higher education. By this way, large numbers of good qualities are automatically yielded . Indian youths should do their work without any dependency on their parents or others. This is one of basic rule to become boss.

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